Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Don't put your daughter on the stage, Mrs Robinson

Look..she's dressed as a ballerina. Clearly she wants to dance. I must get her enrolled in classes soon. It is nothing to do with my thwarted ambitions and childhood dreams. Now, where is my copy of Ballet Shoes. Just right for bedtime reading. Posted by Picasa


Kate said...

Do you know, my copy of Ballet Shoes had the last five pages missing - but I wasn't that bothered. My flirtation with ballet was brief: although my parents do still seem to recall the expense quite clearly.

Sarah said...

you know I think Fina has them! I will look on the book shelves.
Fina went for dancing classes, sadly all she enjoyed was eating sweets in the break. Right now she is being graceful in the pub. Bottle it-they grow up way to fast.