Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

My social life is pretty woeful at the best of times - except for a lovely, impromptu night out in Sheffield last week with katie and Jonathan....thank you for listening to my self-pitying rants, Katie (!)....but it is really being put in the shade by Laura at the moment. From this weekend till the end of term she is going to seven birthday parties, including her own. Thank goodness for a quick trip to the Tesco toy department when we were in Christchurch last weekend. that I think about it, I'm not really doing too badly myself. Aforementioned trip to Dorset to see Vronni & team included the obligatory bar-be-que in the gorgeous new garden. The past month has also included a night out in Leiden with colleagues...and I do mean OUT. We actually ate outside which made me and my other english colleague quite giddy with excitement. And, a very drunken evening at the PTA ball. So really I've nothing to moan about, and I'm sure there are some of you out there feeling pretty flippin' jealous right now!


Kevin Musgrove said...

Social life...

these people in part-time work! (-:

librarylizzie said...

Part time...part time......there is no such thing as part time in the vendor side of libraryland!