Friday, July 18, 2008

Young at heart

Bit of a shock today when I went t'dentist. For the first time I was really aware of quite how young my dentist in....obviously significantly younger than me.

Then my cyber-chum Kevin from Helminthedale publishes a post about a seventies children's programme and I am too young to remember it. Hurrah! I feel so much better now!


Kevin Musgrove said...

I hope you blushed when you wrote that ! :-p

librarylizzie said...

Nope...not least because technically I AM old enough to have seen it on TV....according to Wikithingie it stopped broadcasting in 1970, when I would have been 6. (1965, if you're trying work it out). But I don't recognise it at all. Was it comtemporary with Hector's House? (A particular favourite of mine)

Kevin Musgrove said...

In our area it clashed with Sooty with Harry Corbett (now there was a man of serious genius! I must hunt down a fresh copy of 'Kitchen Capers')