Saturday, November 29, 2008

Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam

I moan about my job - don't we all - and quite often the moaning is justified. In fact, it is what keeps me (vaguely) sane. But sometimes...just sometimes...there is something that makes it almost bearable. Some folks envy the international travel, but you know....a boring meeting is a boring meeting whatever the timezone. Airports are are the same the world over.

However, this week, on a mundane trip to Leiden, one of the nice things happened. We entertained our guests by chartering a boat on the canals of Amsterdam. An hour and a half of cruising the beautifully lit waterways, while we were plied with strong drink and canapes. Then dropped at a very very nice restaurant, for dinner in a private room.

(I didn't take the picture below - foolishly forgot my camera - but you get the idea).


Ms Scarlet said...

Seems like a job with nice perks...

Kevin Musgrove said...

Not envious at all...

librarylizzie said...

Yeah - i'm an ungrateful wretch really. And next week I'll be whinging because I HAVE to go the USA, at the company's expense, to finish my christmas shopping....oh, and go to a couple of meetings.