Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lost in France - Penderff 2008

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So, a summary of our holiday. Another lovely lovely time in Brittany, and although Canada is defo. on for summer 2009, we are aiming for visit number 4 to Penderff in May.

This year we
*went to the medieval fete in Hennebont.

*entertained my stepson for a few days. Actually, bless 'im, he entertained Laura in his role as chief swing-pusher

*were saved from the smallest lasagne in the world and certain divorce by our wonderful friends (and landlords) Judith & Jeremy

*spent an enormous amount of time

*Went on the ponies - twice for Laura, once for me.

*Went to the Zoo with half of the Woodwards and one Pollington, then on to the Interceltic Festival.

*Went to the Oceanopolis Aquariam in Brest, but probably enjoyed the smaller one in Vannes more....along with the Butterfly House, and most importantly for Laura, a shop which sold Leily Kelly boots. Most importantly for mummy, the boots were half the price they are in England.

*Ate in all our favorite restaurants with our favourite people

*Shopped for handbags (me)

*Shopped for music and junk (Peter)

* Had a wonderful time, and agreed to go back next May!

All the photos can be viewed here, although those of a delicate disposition may wish to avoid the shots of my fat a**e getting off the pony.

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