It's 4.23am, and I can't sleep. Woke up to go to the loo, and then started puzzling about this....Since September we have lost the following:
* One blue school pinafore, possibly unworn.
* One long sleeved t-shirt, pink with flowers, from GapKids..fairly new.
* Two..yes sweatshirt material..badge with white rose of Yorkshire and a dove. Again, newish. Gone missing together.
What the f*** is going on? All these items have gone missing in the house. It's not a big house. Five bedrooms (oh is so small most folks have extended the bathroom into it - I use it as my study), kitchen, living room, etc....
The cardigans are the most recent item to go missing - sometime over the last nine days (It has been half term) I've checked all the obvious places, even been reacquainted with the bottom of my ironing basket, which is a rare happening.
So what do we think? Ghost? Do ghosts steal things? Very large rats making a nest?
I'm going to try to sleep now, after I've checked to see the results of the Oscars (oh did I mention husband with a head cold, snoring like a ..well, like his usual self actually), but I'll keep you informed.