My angel is now six, and it's high time for a review. Laura loves school, but would prefer not to go to after school club...well, who would?. Her best friend is still Chrissie, but they aren't going to be in the same class next year. Luckily she has Sofia.
She still loves her soft toys, and now has a favourite - a small pig called piggly. She still loves pink and purple and barbies and make up. She loves her red hair, but doesn't like the curls.
She still loves singing and dancing, and is starting to show an interest in musical instruments.
She still loves cuddles and kisses and tells me she is never going to leave home.
Tell her she is never, ever to work in a library!
I recall life being so uncomplicated. My red hair didn't have curls, but I didn't like it when I was that age.
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