Saturday, October 04, 2008

I believe in Father Christmas

OK...Mum, Dad, friends B & win. I WILL start taking Laura to Church tomorrow.

" Father Christmas always with us?"

"No, that's God."

"But, does Father Christmas watch over us?"

"No, that's God too."

"But is Father Christmas higher than God."

"No, trust me, Father Christmas is nothing to do with God."


Kevin Musgrove said...

If Father Christmas doesn't watch over us how will he know who's been good and who's been bad?

Mrs Pouncer said...

Kev, he's making a list; he's checking it twice; he wants to find out who's naughty and nice, and he wouldn't be able to accomplish this without some sort of surveillance thing going on. How do you think he does it?

Kevin Musgrove said...

I reckon he's got an army of salaried quislings.