Saturday, October 25, 2008

Six random things

I've been tagged by Kevin to list six random things about me. Ho hum...

1) I have a moderate hearing loss. Hearing loss is graded as mild, moderate and severe. Trust me, it doesn't seem moderate when the DVD doesn't have subtitles, or the person you are trying to communicate with is mumbling, has a beard, or is simply looking the other way when they are talking to you. I have a hearing aid. I ought to have two, but I lost one..whoops! They are so uncomfortable I take them out when I don't need them. Then I forget where I have put them, and I lose them.

2) I have joint hypermobility. That's doubled jointed in layman's terms. It ain't that fancy. It's why I keep falling over and knackering my knees. But, on the positive side I can bend my thumbs and elbows into really obnoxious angles, and it really turns some people's stomachs! Also, I can clap with my feet - like a seal. Try it...stretch your legs straight, then try to turn your feet inwards, so you can clap the soles together. Great for dinner parties!

3) Despite working in libraries since I was 16, it was not my chosen career. Oh no. It was a future treading the boards for me. I was passionate about the theatre from an early age, exceled in drama at school, was in the school plays, studied Drama for two years on a sort of pre-Drama school foundation course, where we did dance, singing, speech, etc. I even have LAMDA medals....but I knew in my heart I wasn't good enough. I thought I'd do stage management instead - ideal for a perfectionist control freak, and I was the only one on my drama course who could change a plug. But I realised I would be destined for a life in the wings, disappointed that I hadn't been focused enough for the stage, and envying the ones who made it. Girls I was at college with ended up in Nanny, Emmerdale and Cracker.

4) I have a bodhran, but I can't play it. It is decorated. I got it for my 30th birthday. It used to be on my wall so I could just look at it, which filled me with joy.

5) I learnt the words to The Lion and Albert to impress a bloke. He was impressed, but it didn't get me anywhere.

6) I discovered Botero when I was in Colombia this year. Totally my sort of artist. Despite being married to a fella with a Fine Art degree, my taste is art is very low brow, I'm afraid.

So, I now have to tag six other folk, who need to link back to me.....and reveal six random, over to you Kate, Bev, TKW and all three members of the chasing sheep household.


Kevin Musgrove said...

I know now to make sure to face you when I'm talking (I'm an inveterate mumbler) and not to watch your hands!

What kind of a bastard demands that a girl learns to recite The Lion and Albert? I mean, it is impressive but...

Ms Scarlet said...

Ha ha ha! I've got one double jointed thumb, people really freak out when I bend it at a funny angle. I don't quite understand why!

Lucy Fishwife said...

The Lion and Albert! How much do we love that?? Not sure if it would impress any bloke I know but I'm definitely bowled over. Oh the double joints. Up to the age of about 15 I could bend my knees in odd directions, but sadly no more. They crack like gunshots when I kneel down (I am, in my defence, only 42) though.

The Ferrets said...

I've risen to as much of the challenge as I can! It's on the bottom of 'Mr Ferret grows whiskers'. Bev

Kevin Musgrove said...

You've been very quiet. Tonsils playing up or pre-Olympia craziness?

Gadjo Dilo said...

"I can bend my thumbs and elbows into really obnoxious angles..." Oooh, I hate that!

Ah, that Botero looks familiar - was he married to Beryl Cook? (No, seriously, I really like Beryl Cook).