Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Take all of me

I have inadvertently got an award - simply by being one of the first five folks to comment on Scarlet's blog. I get to post the award picture, which is nice.

However, I also have to list 10 true facts about myself. I did something similar a few months back at the behest of Kevin. As I am not a very interesting person it is going to be tricky to find more to say about myself, but here goes....taking more than a little inspiration from Scarlet's "truths":

1) I am not ginger either. No, seriously. I really am not, but I always wanted to be. I love red hair. Then my daughter was born ginger, or orange, as she likes to call it. Be careful what you wish for.

2) I have two scars under my chin, both about 1 cm long, parallel. Both childhood accidents - one from slipping in the public swimming pool and banging my chin on the edge, and on from hitting my chin on one of those 70s standup ashtray things.

3) In my job I get to visit lots of buildings and organisations that many people wouldn't get access to. I didn't go to the Lloyds of London meeting, but I have been to the Bank of England and the Lebanese Parliament, to name a couple.

4) I too got Unclassified in my maths O level, despite a home tutor as well as regular maths lessons. I was supposed to retake it the following january but didn't even bother to show up. However, it has been one of my many hang ups about my lack of academic prowess. Despite doing (and passing) statistics as part of my degree, I eventually took an OU maths course a couple of years ago, and PASSED! It was one of the happiest days of my life.

5) I am crap at sport. I was always one of those sad ones picked last for teams along with the fat girl. I was on the arts side - but I was always picked for the school play, so that was good!

6) I am a glasses wearer because I can't really get on with lenses. I have several pairs.

7) I have never been to a Cure concert. I did, however, dress as a pirate for a Bow Wow Wow concert.

8) I am a voracious reader - cannot be without a book anywhere. My dad used to help me with my reading when I was younger by getting me to read hymns - that's left footers for you!

9)I have never been a contestant on a game show, but my husband was a contestant on a radio music quiz. He was knocked out in the first round, but we had great fun at the recording, and had drinks and nibbles with Ned Sherrin.

10) I went for a riding lesson once with a horse mad school friend. I fell off, and thought it was hilarious. I wasn't a horsey type. As with the sport, I was too busy doing plays, doing dance classes or reading a book.


Ms Scarlet said...

I was always quite proud of my unclassified in Maths!
During the exam I sat and wrote a story instead; I've still got it somewhere.
Plus I am rubbish at maths!
Everyone is interesting, btw.

Kevin Musgrove said...

so how did you cut your chin on an ashtray?

Ms Scarlet said...

Hi Lizzie, thanks for popping over to Jane's yesterday. Worrying isn't it?

Ms Scarlet said...

Have you flown off somewhere glam?

librarylizzie said...

Hi Scarlet - No - Just been horribly (and boringly) busy at work. However, I am going to Salt Lake City week after next. Not Glam, but should be interesting!