Tuesday, September 02, 2008

He's on the beach

I've been reprimanded by Veronica for not mentioning the highlight of the holiday - the annual sunday trip to the beach, with chips from the chip man. I think this is because I had tried to erase the memory of being FORCED to stay on the beach, under the beach umbrella (kindly lent by the chip man) in the RAIN. I was wearing sweatshirt AND waterproof. Veronica "hitler" Woodward wouldn't let any of us off the beach. Finally, her family were brave enough to defy her, and went and skulked in the car. We stayed.....Still it rained. Her family drove off to look at trains (!). We stayed.....and....it stopped raining....and it actually got quite pleasant. All the beach photos in the previous Penderff blog are taken that very afternoon, after it stopped raining. You were right, V, and the others missed out!

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