Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried line

As I put some washing in the machine yesterday morning (one of the many advantages of working from home!)I realised...too late..that I should have taken a photo of the clothes Laura wore over the weekend, as they were a perfect summary of what we did...let me explain:

Splodges of green paint down the side of her top = we went pottery painting again. She painted a flower, I did a rainbow.

Brown marks on the collar and sleeves = we popped into Farrah's afterwards for a chocolate ice cream.

Large brown stains all down the front of the "Dorothy" dress = we made chocolate buns on Sunday.

1 comment:

Kevin Musgrove said...

It's never a good idea to show off green and brown stains on a child's clothing.

Mother's love is always blind.